Nothing is more rewarding, now and in the Hereafter, than investing part of what Allah (SWT) entrusted us with, that’s our health, wealth, knowledge, effort, time, etc. into supporting our community and helping others.

Whatever goodness we do now, and its potential future outcome, could, by the will of Allah (SWT), continue to add to our Thawab balance forever, literally.

Please remember, we’re accountable not only for what we do, but also for what we could have done but chose not to. 

Why become a member in NYMA?

  • Membership is a legal requirement for all Charitable Organizations.
  • Membership is the body from which the next generation of leadership will soon emerge.
  • Get involved, have a say, participate in collective effort to support our Muslim Community, be part of the future;
  • Volunteer your skills and resources to build respectful and meaningful relation between our Muslim Community and the community at large;
  • Earn the Thawab, pleasure and satisfaction of volunteering for the benefit of Islam and Muslims;

How to become a member?

  • Rules and process for membership will be as per NYMA By-laws; (see link below)
  • Membership applications will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. In your application please provide basic information about yourself including:
    • 1- Name / email;
      2- Brief professional background / current occupation;
      3- Membership in other charitable / religious organizations (if any);
      4- Current citizenship status;
  • Please use the form below to submit your application (in confidence)

Why NYMA asks for such personal information?

  1. E-mail address, for sending a monthly newsletter or notices for Islamic events;
  2. Member’s profession, so that NYMA has a pool of skills to draw from.
  3. Involvement in other religious organizations, so that NYMA can call on these members to help coordinate events of interest to the community and to guard against possible conflict of interest;
  4.  Status in Canada, for obvious security reasons, is intended to have reasonable assurance that members are legal residents in Canada;

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    NYMA By-law